All Israel

Zionists responsible for naming Storm Daniel which destroyed Derna, Libya says Tunisian president

Tunisian President Kais Saied once again caused controversy when he claimed that a secret “Zionist” influence was evident in the name given to Storm Daniel, responsible for devastating the city of Derna in Libya this month.

“Did they not wonder about the naming? Daniel is a Hebrew prophet,” Saied said in a video that went viral on social media on Monday.

“The Zionist movement has penetrated to attack the mind and thinking, from Daniel to Abraham,” he added in an apparent reference to the Abraham Accords.

The biblical Daniel is recognized in Islam as a prophet. The naming of the storm was determined by the Greek meteorological service.

Saied has made antisemitic remarks in the past and refused to recognize a fatal attack at a Jewish synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia on May 9 as antisemitic or a terror attack, claiming instead that it was planned to undermine Tunisia’s stability.

He also rejected any “normalization” with Israel and called for the international community to “put an end to the tragedy of the Palestinian people.”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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