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What a Kamala Harris presidency could mean for Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House, July 25, 2024. (Photo: Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO)

Joe Biden, left alone, might have stood with Israel, given the political orientation of the old Democratic party with which he had been associated over the last 50 years, but due to the seismic shift of the Democratic party, in just the last 5-7 years, stoked by Woke sentiment and further inflamed after Oct. 7, he had no choice but to make the needed adjustments which would put him in lockstep with his current constituency.  

Even the Jewish Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, had to course correct very shortly after his initial delivery of what sounded like a heartfelt message of support and sympathy, just days after the brutal massacre, which left Israel in shock and very much in need of real friends.

Unfortunately, when political considerations are weighing in the balance, true friendship gets sidelined for self-interest and the practicality to appease voters. It’s just the painful reality.  

Now, all bets are off! With candidate Biden out of the picture, and the prospects of Vice President Kamala Harris, as the likely contender, Israel cannot count on the support it once took for granted from the U.S. If she wins the 2024 presidential race, it is almost certain that the hostility towards Israel, which was present during the Obama years, will pale by comparison to what the progressive-leaning Harris would bring along with her.

Harris has long taken the position that Palestinians have unjustly suffered at the hands of Israel, an opinion more rooted in playing to her antisemitic base, rather than the fundamental understanding that the real culprit for the suffering of the Gazan people can be laid at the doorstep of their inhumane and barbaric terrorist government, whose people have been used as convenient props in their goal to eradicate the Jewish state.  

It was never about making their lives better, providing good education, health care services or any of the benefits and freedoms enjoyed by citizens of free societies. Their lives have progressively become embittered at the hands of their overlords who have stolen and pilfered money and goods, solely intended for Gazans.   

But Harris cannot admit to the facts, because to do so would not serve her interests of representing the fringe element of her party, which has conveniently ignored the acts of Hamas terrorists, preferring to characterize Jewish Israelis as the oppressors, causing Palestinian suffering. That manufactured, propagandized narrative has worked, garnering support from gullible outsiders who aren’t interested enough to ask questions and do their own fact-checking.

For them, Israel is the victimizer, playing into Woke philosophy which is always steeped in perpetual grievance. In this case, it’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone, because it ticks the complaint box while also casting Jews as the bad guys, persecuting the Gazan underdogs. 

According to Ynet, “If Harris defeats Trump, the Israel-Palestinian issue is likely to take a central place in her foreign policy – especially if the Gaza conflict continues.” As Vice President, she has been able to get away with a more vocal criticism of Israel, likely a purposeful attempt to appease all of the pro-Palestinian sympathizers who suddenly came out of the woodwork after the events of Oct. 7, boldly declaring their loyalties for the terrorist government while vilifying Israel.

Consequently, hoping to signal to that segment of voters, Harris’ go-to condemnation was that “Israel was not doing enough to alleviate the ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ that developed during the ground operation in Gaza.” Never mind that Gaza was being flooded with goods and food around the clock. It was never enough. Ironically, that particular complaint had to stop once televised footage was released, showing the staggering amounts of food which was available in the marketplaces and just about everywhere.

When that didn’t work, Harris changed her strategy, stating that an incursion into Gaza would be met with “consequences.” In other words, she was pre-empting any Israeli self-defense plan to root out the remaining terrorists.  

By doing so, Harris has displayed a clear ignorance of the goals surrounding this deadly ideology which hopes to force the world’s population to adopt their views. Of course, she might end up discovering this sooner than later, given that the open borders of America have served as an engraved invitation to Islamic terrorists who have embedded themselves within the large assortment of migrants who are entering unvetted.  

Although Harris is married to a Jewish man, her political loyalties seem to lie with the progressive wing of her party, assuring them that their cries are being heard. This is probably why she has continued to call for a ceasefire, despite Hamas’ unwillingness to release the 115 hostages who they are still holding in Gaza. Nor does she address the fact that tens of thousands of Israeli citizens have been displaced due to their northern and southern communities being constantly targeted by rocket fire and suicide drones.

Would President Harris tolerate such conditions in her native America should she win the election? Of course not, but when it comes to Israel, there is another set of rules by which they are supposed to abide. So, although Harris has stated that “America’s support for Israel is unwavering, standing with the citizens of Israel against these attacks,” how can she convince anyone that those sentiments are real, given her call for a ceasefire while we continue to be attacked daily? 

Her ignorance is not unique. Already endorsed by The Jewish Democratic Coalition of America to become the next American president, one can only come to the conclusion that this particular body has no idea about the daily attacks still occurring in Israel or comprehend the danger of Harris’ calls for a ceasefire amid rocket barrages which continue to be launched into Israeli cities. Thank goodness that they are in the minority, because, according to former US Ambassador David Friedman, “Kamala is driving US Jews toward Trump.”  

One thing seems certain, a Harris administration will likely not have the same effect upon Iran and the rest of Israel’s enemies as a Trump presidency, since he has already, in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, sternly warned Iran that they had better return the hostages by the time he wins or else face the consequences. But then Trump is not trying to play to a fringe base of his party that hates Israel and the Jewish people.  

Sadly, Kamala Harris does not engender a warm friendship or loyalty towards Israel.  That comes as good news to many in her party who are counting on a progressive president who is not afraid to outdo Biden when it comes to going with the new flow of the party. Regrettably, any allegiance they once had for Israel has gone with the wind.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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