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USA employs Jewish guilt on Israel

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council in Leuven, Belgium April 5, 2024. (Photo: REUTERS/Johanna Geron/Pool)

Jewish guilt is legendary, mostly employed by mothers, but the U.S. has decided to try their hand at it. In this case, they have warned us that we will be judged by the Biden administration as it pertains to last Thursday night’s security cabinet’s decision, when it was determined that Israel should “increase the flow of humanitarian assistance to Gaza, allowing goods to move through the Ashdod Port.”

As usual, the message came through Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Biden’s mouthpiece who, being Jewish himself, is surely no stranger to Jewish guilt. Of course, the irony of how the U.S. will be judged, given its complete flip flop of support to Israel is completely lost on them. Perhaps they think no one has noticed how rapidly their position changed in just a few months, to the point where the once former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has now joined 36 other Democrats who have asked Biden to suspend arms shipments to Israel. Naturally, members of the Squad were among those who signed a letter to that effect.

Calling the recent inadvertent accident of the IDF, which resulted in the death of humanitarian aid workers, Pelosi, instead, categorized the unfortunate incident as “a recent strike against aid workers,” as if it had been deliberate.

The strategy obviously points to casting blame, pronouncing judgment and then isolating Israel from the good standing it has enjoyed as well as stopping the provision of crucial weapons and other support, without which Israel ends up standing alone, as a pariah amidst all other nations. 

Someone apparently had the thought that we could be squeezed and shamed by Jewish guilt in order to keep us in line and obediently pass whatever test demanded by letting us know that we will be judged for whatever we do. If someone were suspicious, they just might think that it has something to do with the upcoming November 2024 presidential elections, but who could connect the two?

Sadly, if anyone will be judged on their sins of omission and commission, it will certainly be the U.S. which, early on, laid the groundwork for Israel to fail, well before the massacre of October 7. Although Israel has had America’s support throughout many administrations, all bets were off once Barack Obama became the 44th president. 

Rather than ostracize Iran, for the terror state that everyone knew they were, Obama “deliberately chose a policy of appeasement and cash payoffs instead of strength and accountability as the way to deal with Iran, causing Iran’s hostilities to substantially increase after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013 and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash, facilitating Iran to go on a terror spree, funded by the money.”

To this day, no one seems to be able to explain what the thinking was behind a foolhardy decision to empower a country that repeatedly has called for the destruction of the one that sent over the pallets of money in the middle of the night. If that wasn’t bad enough, Iran gleefully bragged about the sum of $400 million in untraceable cash which they were paid, as a ransom (their own words) in order to secure the release of four American prisoners. 

Talk about the world’s worst deal ever! Yet, other than a few lone Republican politicians who labeled the act as reckless appeasement, which was disastrous, most of the world remained silent, unwilling to judge a colossally foolish act, for fear of criticizing the great Barack Obama.

But while their failure to call out a major blunder, which not only placed America in jeopardy but also weakened other nations who value democracy over the tyranny of terror, judgment is not foregone – at least not by the Almighty, because the principle of blessing or cursing Israel still remains in effect and always will.

That is something Joe Biden and his administration did not consider when they, too, continued to prop up Iran by enriching them with billions of dollars connected to oil exports, “increasing exports to 80% from the days of the Trump administration, bringing them an additional $32 billion to $35 billion, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.”

All of this money made it possible to finance the many proxy groups, such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, to do Iran’s dirty work for them. These are not obscure facts, unknown to the administration, because “in 2020 the State Department assessed that Iran sends $100 million a year to Palestinian terror groups, arming and training them to attack Israel and murder its civilians as Hamas did October 7th.”

So, given this knowledge, how can the U.S. ever pretend to be Israel’s friend, one which will never abandon them when they clearly already have, the moment they gave Iran the finances and the ability to hire their mercenaries to finish us off? It is for these duplicitous and heinous actions that God, if not man, will hold them accountable and for which He will judge them harshly. 

But the nations of the world should also roundly condemn and judge their acts, because even now, as of this writing, Houthi missiles and drones have attacked a British ship, two Israeli ships and two American warships in the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. Who paid for those weapons? Iran, through U.S. money. How much do you have to hate yourself to figure out that any money sent to Iran goes to pay for your coffin?

The sheer stupidity of not understanding how all this works not only disqualifies the present U.S. administration as well as all of its workers who facilitate these things, but it also exposes a cowardly world whose governments are unwilling to call out the folly of assisting terrorists in their goal to dominate the world by subjecting all nations to their full control. It is the greatest recipe for disaster and one which is happening right under everyone’s nose.

Either there are extremely inept government officials who have no idea about what they are causing or there are traitors and bad actors who are operating on behalf of terror states that wish to harm America as well as all other civilized democracies. Of course, both scenarios could be happening at the same time, but, either way, Israel should be the last to be judged before the nations of the world.

One last point. No one should try to outdo Jewish guilt, because not only are we better at it than anyone else, but there is so much ammunition for us to use in order to make our case that judgment should begin with the real guilty parties who have brought calamity upon all of us. 

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she is retired and now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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