Neither Harris nor Trump should determine Israel’s fate

With only two days to go, there is great speculation as to who will win what is being called a race, “too close to call” for the U.S. presidential bid, not to mention just how that next administration will impact the ongoing Hamas/Hezbollah/Israel war.
Among the prognosticators is Yaakov Katz, former editor of the Jerusalem Post, who has offered his best guess as to what might possibly happen following the elections. Katz believes that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will “waste no time in leveraging the vote’s outcome to steer Israeli policy and secure a deal for the hostages to end the war in Lebanon.”
Laying out both scenarios, Katz imagines that, given Trump’s desire to have no wars, fought on his watch, Bibi will do his utmost to convince his coalition members that complying with a quick end to the war could reap the rewards of an eventual West Bank annexation – something he knows that most of his very right-wing ministers long to see.
On the other hand, he envisions that a non-compliance, to the same “end of war” demands from a Harris administration, could result in a much harsher and more restrictive West Bank policy than what took place during the Obama years, where he forbade any expansion, by Israel, of that area.
In short, what Katz is saying is that it appears as if everything hinges upon wrapping up the war before January 20th, in the case of either candidate winning, with all the focus and consideration being given to Judea and Samaria. While these two courses of events could, indeed, be likely outcomes, they should not be the sole criteria for hastily wrapping up a war, especially one which was forced upon us, and whose perpetrators are still constantly firing deadly rockets and drones at our population.
In truth, it’s not too difficult to predict how events will play out, since we’ve already had a year of seeing U.S. reaction, when it comes to how Israel has executed their response to the unexpected, brutal attack of October 7th, which savagely killed innocent families on an early Shabbat morning, when no one should have woken to the news that Hamas terrorists had invaded their communities, torturing, burning and killing as many as possible.
What began with shock and great sympathy, by the U.S., almost immediately turned into dwindling support, eventually evolving into demands for a premature ceasefire, despite over 100 hostages still being held under inhumane conditions. Not much has changed!
During this campaign cycle, Kamala Harris has assured her supporters, amidst the hecklers, who have purposely come to disrupt her rallies, shouting, “Free Palestine,” and “Ceasefire Now,” that she is highly committed to putting an end to the war. Consequently, no one has any illusions that if she is victorious, everything, within her power, will be done to strong arm Israel into ceasing to defend herself. Predictably, it’s a scenario where Israel either complies or defiantly fights alone!
Similarly, if Trump prevails, given his great opposition to war, along with his personal aspiration to be a president, under whose administration, wars cease to exist, it’s very plausible that a pressure campaign could also be forthcoming, in the hope of building the, so far, unattainable legacy, of “lasting peace in the Middle East,” in order to show everyone that he has accomplished the impossible.
Of course, it’s hard to imagine how such an unlikely outcome might materialize, given the twisted ideology of terrorists, whose only end game is to kill every last Jew. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t stop him from trying, because such a feat would earn him a coveted spot in the history books of humanity.
The only problem is that his lack of any interaction, with this particular monstrous enemy, not fully comprehending the demonic impulses which fuel them to commit unspeakable heinous acts towards their fellow man, will assuredly cause him to underestimate their guile and level of deceit when they, cunningly agree to what everyone will hail as a viable peace solution for all – an achievement beyond our wildest dreams - peaceful coexistence in a region which has known nothing but conflict.
Sadly, most of us already know how that would end, because we’ve learned the bitter lesson that some enemies just cannot be trusted to live harmoniously – especially those whose hatred toward Jews comes from the pit of hell, itself.
To know one’s enemy intimately, is the beginning of comprehending his capability, his strategy and his undying determination. That is the reason that world nations and leaders must finally come to the realization that no one is better acquainted with this foe better than Israel. It means that, in this ongoing, bloody fight, everyone must defer to the real experts who are the only ones experienced and proficient enough to take them out.
Allowing us the time and means to destroy those committed to our demise is to ultimately enable the world’s inhabitants to sleep a bit better, knowing that the once rapidly spreading cancer amongst us, has been excised and eradicated.
Anything less is to undermine that goal. So, while the temptation is to assume that the older and more seasoned country, in this case, the U.S., is the best advocate for brokering a peace deal, their limited comprehension of primitive Middle-Eastern tribal mentality, coupled with a dangerous and toxic religious ideology, disqualifies them from acting in the best interest of all who live in the region, especially Israel, who has the most to lose!
Yet, with what can be called the most important election of our time, just two days away, Israel’s fate seems to be hanging in the balance, waiting to see who will win and what their demands will be.
Despite what happens, for those of us who firmly believe that there is a divine plan for Israel, which no man or nation can override, it is comforting to know that God stands on our behalf, ready to move in when all else is lost, sovereignly determining the ultimate fate of the land which He gave to His people, finally realized in 1948. It is the country which He has blessed, prospered and preserved for 76 years, notwithstanding formidable armies coming against us during that time, each set on our destruction.
That means that regardless of who wins this election, they will be no match for the God of Israel who will do as He sees fit. Because, ultimately, He is the only one able to bring peace to a world engulfed in the chaos of its own making!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.