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Kamala Harris said what?

Kamala Harris speaking at a campaign event (Photo: Screenshot)

With exactly two weeks to go, before U.S. elections are held for the office of president, every word is being scrutinized by the two candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. While American Jews have a special interest in who they believe would be most supportive of their community, given the highly charged antisemitic atmosphere which has been ignited ever since the October 7th massacre, Israelis have no less of a deep stake in the elections, knowing that their future, to some degree, will be determined by whoever wins.

Consequently, it was quite worrisome to hear candidate Harris’s words, in response to a heckler, who was escorted out of her campaign event which took place on Thursday at the University of Wisconsin. When the young man, donning the political fashion statement in the form of a checkered kaffiyeh, made his outburst, claiming that “19,000 children are dead,” due to a genocide is being committed in Gaza by Israelis, he was forcibly removed from the venue.  

Although some reacted negatively, towards what he said, Harris assured them that “his voice is respected by her,” because “what he was saying is real.” To make such an unsubstantiated statement, just two weeks prior to one of the most contentious elections in American history, where Harris was not even nominated but rather appointed by default as the choice of party bosses, says a lot about how she would confront the Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war if given the chance.

Because the decision to allow such comments to stand, without challenging their veracity and reliability, while, at the same time, acknowledging their credibility, already shows her proclivity to rely upon skewed data, emanating from the contrived numbers which are put forth by a terrorist regime devoid of all ethics and morals.

Does anyone really think that Harris has first-hand information which has been fact-checked and provided to her by dependable and honest sources?  Let’s not forget that, within her party, are avowed antisemites whose contempt for Israel and the Jews is well-documented and out in the open for all to hear. Those same people are closely watching her and waiting to see where her loyalties lie – with the Palestinian people or with Israel – because it can’t be both.

The problem is that the Palestinian people are represented by a savage, barbaric group of terrorists whose extreme, inhumane ideology fuels them to commit the worst atrocities known to man, and that, being the case, makes it impossible for any human being with the least bit of integrity to align with such evil creatures. Yet, somehow, that is where the political chips have fallen.

Today’s progressive Democratic party has taken a decided turn towards throwing in with the same people whose leaders have committed heinous murders of whole families, the rape and mutilation of young women, the beheading and burning of babies and others, on whom they took no pity but who, to them, became the object of their scorn and hatred as a means to show the world that they mean business.

And, sadly, this is with whom young, confused and irrational students, turned activist, have also chosen to identify. But as bad as that sounds, none of them are running for the highest office in the land, nor do they have to concern themselves with the support needed to garner enough votes in order to become the leader of the free world.  So, it really makes you wonder about the type of uninformed position Harris has adopted on the eve of this election, where she has not taken pains to hide how she really feels as it relates to Israel.

The question is, “How many people have noticed, and how widespread will this news become?” Will it affect the outcome of the election in any meaningful way? Will enough people be appalled that Kamala Harris didn’t feel the need to argue with the insane assertion that Israelis are committing a genocide against the people of Gaza? 

If Harris really believes that Israel is guilty of such an act, what would prevent her, once she wins the presidency, of doing everything in her power to facilitate charges of war crimes against the Jewish state and her leaders? What’s to stop her from completely cutting us off as an ally or preventing further weapons shipments? Why wouldn’t she add Israel to the list of states which sponsor terrorism?  

All of these questions are legitimate queries, worthy of answers before people cast their ballots at the voting booth, because if this is the direction in which she could be heading, there is little doubt that her position will further serve to polarize American Jews from their gentile counterparts, many of whom already see them as guilty by ethnic association. In other words, the next 4-8 years might not go so well for them if Harris is at the helm.

Of course, at a time when Israel needs as much help as possible to rid the world of the most evil foe we’ve seen since the days of the Nazis, a Harris presidency will do nothing to aid those who are battling this enemy which aspires to have worldwide dominance over all mankind, subjugating them to the oppression and debasement of radical Islam.

How convenient for those terrorist regimes that they would find a friend in the next president of the United States, an uninformed, politically-driven woman who, rather than put in the required investigative process to discern the true facts for herself, has, instead, chosen to side with the subversives who hate America and hope to see her demise.  Isn’t that what we’ve heard Squad members openly voice?

For them, a kindred spirit in the White House will be the beginning of their road to rebuilding a new America in the image of a hateful ideology which champions terrorism and the destruction of Israel, along with Jews worldwide.

The fact that Harris chose to side with the egregious lies of Hamas sympathizers, is truly a new low for the politics of a party so desperate to win the next election that they are willing to sell out the hundreds of thousands of Jews who have faithfully supported them for over a century! If that isn’t jaw dropping, I don’t know what is. Let’s also not forget that, if we would have followed the advice of the Haris/Biden administration, and not gone into Rafah, Sinwar would still be alive today.

Some real soul searching should be done over the next two weeks to come to the proper conclusion as to how this election will impact Israel and the Jewish people, as a whole, because, as they say, there’s a lot riding on it for Israel as well! 

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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