Good news during troublesome times

There is good news from the Middle Earth region of so much troubling news: Yeshua/Jesus/Yasua reigns from on high, and oversees events here on the ground, intervening in the affairs of man and governments — each making their own decisions on what seems ‘best’ to them — to bring about the final solution to the “sin problem” — the rebellion — in this world and in this creation.Praise the LORD!
The Assad family rule in Syria has fallen after 53 brutal years, with the last 25 (since 2000) being under the authoritarian son, Dr. Bashar Al-Assad. Especially since the Islamic Winter, which began in 2011, (it was never an Arab Spring), his dictatorial regime has powerfully and brutally murdered around 400,000 civilian citizens of his own countrymen not to mention the millions of others affected by that horror and destruction. The Assad family were Alawite Muslims, neither directly Shia or Sunni, but they aligned themselves with Iran, which is Shia. The historic animosity and hostility between these two “families of faith, religion, politics” have to do with who thinks the rightful heir to Mohammed is, and who is to be the Caliph of the Islamic Caliphate. Turkey leads the Sunni drive for supremacy. The rebels who overthrew Assad and the Alawite rule are Sunnis, which has threatened Iran’s plans and efforts to surround Israel with its proxies.
It is truly the global intifada/determined hateful violent overthrow against the rightful rule of the true God of Heaven and Earth, and the Seas — and all that is in them. It is the satanic spirit manifested in and through Esau, which the Word of YHVH spoke through his father Isaac regarding him at the time that he sought the blessing, but did not receive it, due to his unrepentance with respect to his own carnal desire over the eternal interests of YHVH, the Creator and the Redeemer, which his twin brother Jacob valued, but will himself only receive in God’s way and not in his own. That bitter root will not be satisfied unless it can kill Jacob (the Jewish people) and prevent him/them from possessing the promised land of covenantal inheritance. Praise God that he will never succeed, even if it may seem that he/they might!
We are in a delicate, volatile time now. A time for much prayer, and a time to completely put our trust in the sovereignty of our God and Savior! All things serve towards producing the results that He has told us that He wants, and will obtain. He has His schedule to complete His plan to make this world better, the way that He wants it. Praise the Lord! Just as the world and Israel were thinking that some sort of ceasefire and deal with Hezbollah in Lebanon and with Hamas in Gaza (both groups of which are Iranian proxies, but supported by all Muslims in general to wipe out Israel from being a nation), this quick overthrow of the Damascus government has again raised the temperature and volatility of the tempest.
Whether Israel will again take military action against Iran before or after Donald Trump enters office (assuming that he does), it is not certain to me, given some of the Scriptures speaking of the time of the end in Daniel, that Israel will succeed in its objectives of weakening further Iran’s own capabilities, or break its will to assert its own supremacy in the Middle East and the Islamic world, which will cause devastating effects in the rest of the world. (The dreams and visions of the prophet all have to do with the “end-times” connected with his people, land, and holy city, with some partial fulfillment in degree along the way, similar to Yeshua’s explanation of events to His disciples regarding His return at the fulfillment of “all these things which must take place”.) Are we preparing ourselves even mentally that these things may be possible, and in our own lifetime?
As much as I want Israel to come out victoriously in these battles and wars enveloping her, which is also a display of YHVH God’s involvement on her behalf, yet Israel’s ultimate victory will not come through her own capability and power, for which she does, and would, take credit. YHVH only — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — will be glorified! In His glory, His people will glory and be glorified. The satanic spirit of Islam and of the antichrist will overwhelm the Jewish people and the country beyond any capacity to overcome on their own, despite all the bravado. YHVH will bring His chosen people’s pride and strength to naught, in order that they will finally and forever call upon the name of YHVH/Yeshua to save them. (Dt 32:36-43; read the whole of the Song of Moses) This matter is covenantal with the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob/Israel. It is not western Christianized thinking; nor is it the wisdom from below or of the world. YHVH has spoken; therefore, it will be according as He has said. As believers in Jesus, we must see that God is working on many different levels and with many complexities. We cannot side with our flesh against the Holy Spirit who is working all things to fulfilling every jot and tittle of the Law and the Prophets. Without the knowledge of God and His righteousness, the Jewish people, and the nation of Israel, are acting according to the necessities of this world and of their many enemies who are actively working according to the flesh and the spirit of the world. This is all of the Lord.
Meanwhile, and through all this, Jesus’/Yeshua’s commission to us — His believers and disciples — until the end is to evangelize the gospel/good news, make disciples of those who believe, and sanctify ourselves in the hope of His coming. It does not matter what our age or vocation in life may be, nor in what circumstances we may find ourselves: these three things (and I don’t discount other essentials) with love for our Lord and Savior above all, love for the brethren, love for our fellow humans, love for our enemies that they, too, would be saved by YHVH God’s amazing grace through faith) will seemingly hasten the day of the righteous judgments of God.
It is now more than 14 months since the horrific attack by Hamas on Oct 7, 2023, an attack which it thought might lead to Israel’s downfall, but, by the mighty Hand of Israel’s God has turned it around to eliminate many of those who gleefully joined in the opportunity. We also pray, and trust God, that He has extended His outstretched Arm into wherever the hostages have been deplorably held and abused, and that we will one day hear testimonies of His salvation to bring those captives in kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light. “The fear of YHVH is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding; and there is no wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel against YHVH.” Thanks to God for His loving mercies and grace.

Howard Bass is the congregation pastor/leader of Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua's Inheritance) in Beer Sheva, Israel.