All Israel

Bibi was right, Biden was dead wrong

White House basically told Israel to surrender to Hezbollah — instead, Netanyahu went for the jugular

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with United States President Joe Biden in Tel Aviv, Oct. 18, 2023. (Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90, image edited by All Israel News Staff)

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA — Less than one week ago, American President Joe Biden joined forces with French President Emmanuel Macron and several Arab countries to demand that Israel agree to a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon.

The demand was ridiculous on the face of it.

The official statement did not even mention the word, “Hezbollah.”

This begged the question: With whom was Israel ceasing fire?

The good news: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu refused to give in to this demand.

Bibi understood the real demand was to surrender to Hezbollah, the Iranian-funded, trained, armed, and directed terrorist organization in Lebanon that has already fired some 10,000 missiles and rockets at the Jewish state since October 8th of last year. 

Instead of surrendering, the Israeli prime minister authorized the IDF to intensify and sharpen its attacks.

This resulted in the most spectacular Israeli military successes in half a century.

In recent days, Israel assassinated 18 of the top 18 Hezbollah's most senior commanders, including Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah – the terror group’s demonic and unrivaled leader for the past 32 years – in a massive and completely unexpected airstrike on Hezbollah’s main underground headquarters in a southern neighborhood of Beirut.

Over the past month, Israel’s Mossad killed, wounded, and terrified some 4,000 Hezbollah operatives all across Lebanon and Syria when their explosive-laden pagers and walkie-talkies suddenly and simultaneously exploded in their hands and pockets. 

As the smoke clears, those who love Hezbollah and the Iranian regime are weeping — baffled and despondent over how the “Zionist entity” has pulled-off the astonishing decapitation of the terror army.

Those in Lebanon, Iran, and across the regime who hate and despise Hezbollah and the Iranian regime are rejoicing and dancing in the streets – praising God that the region has been rid of such Satanic leaders who are now burning in Hell.

What will happen next is far from clear.

What is clear is that Biden and his team were dead wrong to demand that Israel agree to a ceasefire that was tantamount to a surrender.

And that Bibi and his team were absolutely right to reject Biden’s counsel and go for Hezbollah’s jugular instead.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.

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