The village has been called “Kfar Lakitia,” named after one of the three Roman garrisons Emperor Hadrian stationed at the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt
The village has been called “Kfar Lakitia,” named after one of the three Roman garrisons Emperor Hadrian stationed at the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt
The lethal Jabalia cemetery strike appears to have been confused with the fatal blast of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket misfired a day earlier
Turkey doesn't want to be left out of economic advances in the region, making room for optimism despite a volatile history between the two nations
Secretary Blinken made the request in a call with Defense Minister Gantz, saying it will be "a step towards accountability"
Jewish pilgrims are escorted by military guard since tomb became a flashpoint for regular violence and a target of vandalism
Also threatened by an Iranian official, George Deek says: “Take the threats of this murderous regime seriously”