Advice to Vivek Ramaswamy: Don’t abandon Israel

Many of us have been following you for a long time, even before you threw in your hat for the presidential race. Your numerous television appearances and YouTube clips attested to your sharp mind, cleverness, grasp of important social issues, such as the ever-troubling Wokeness philosophy, and your keen ability to draw the right conclusions. In fact, just as it was said about the late Queen Elizabeth, you too, have “never seemed to put a foot wrong.” At least not until now!
There is a vital issue that you should rethink because it is one which could cost you the next presidential election, and to be honest, a lot of us would hate to see that happen because you might show the best potential to lead the free world into the great challenges of the next eight years.
The error you have made is your position on Israel.
Your America First agenda, similar to that of Trump, is correct in every way. There is no doubt that the current U.S. administration has put everyone else’s interests first, letting the needs of American citizens languish in a way that is unforgivable and certainly unprecedented.
From their point of view, finishing a border wall can wait, because sending money and equipment to Ukraine is far more pressing. Financial aid to enemies and propping up their economies, by buying goods and resources that could have been developed or mined in the United States, is where American dollars are being spent. All of that is galling, and you are right to want to go in a completely different direction, but your fatal mistake is linking those wasted funds with essential support for Israel.
Israel is not Ukraine! We are not a country holding something over the president, forcing him to fork over hard, cold cash! Israel is one of the greatest and most faithful allies of the United States of America. Since our establishment as a nation, we have steadfastly worked side by side with your country, providing needed vital intelligence, sharing our innovative defense development with you and working together towards the common goal of peace and prosperity. Those things make us reliable friends who will never abandon you, so why would you even think of abandoning us?
It was in a recent Rumble interview, with Russell Brand, where you elaborated on your policy, stating that “you wanted to expand the Abraham Accords, in which Israel normalized relations with a few of its Arab neighbors, so that additional aid for Israel ‘won’t be necessary’ by 2028 when a current package is set to expire.”
While the Abraham Accords were a wonderful initiative, with much promise for the improvement of future relations with our Arab neighbors, they stalled once the Biden administration took over the reins of power. Now, there is no guarantee that any reboot attempt will prove to be successful, and if a new deal isn’t forged, providing us with sufficient financial independence, will you, nonetheless, cut us off if you become the next president?
How would that square with the attempts of so many of your predecessors, who did all they could to help preserve our existence as the only democratic nation in the Middle East? It was their loyal commitment to our survival that facilitated our ability to win wars, to obtain needed military equipment and to have their full backing, with every resource available, including financial aid. Were they all wrong? Because we are still here, and although that’s largely due to the intervention of the Almighty, it also is very much, in part, because of our true friends, none being greater than the United States.
Supporting Israel has always been a position taken by both political parties, short of today’s Democrat progressive, who have adopted and promoted the lie that we are the oppressors of the Palestinian people. Yet, most everyone recognizes that accusation as nothing more than propaganda which is agenda-driven by anti-Semitism and unfounded hatred of Israel.
In fact, it is because of that expected support that your opponent, Nikki Haley has wasted no time to use your unfortunate position on Israel against you. Seeing it as your Achilles Heel, she immediately harshly criticized you for your intention to “roll back military aid to the Jewish state.” She said, “Ramaswamy was ‘completely wrong to call for ending America’s special bond with Israel.’ Support for Israel is both the morally right and strategically smart thing to do. Both countries are stronger and safer because of our iron-clad friendship.”
I get it that part of your strategy to return America to its former glory is to use all of the financial resources available to repair the ills of an open border, solve the homeless crisis, rebuild devastated cities, shore up infrastructure and all the other problems, too numerous to list in one article. But part of strengthening America must also include helping friends who help you, and you have none better than Israel. We understand that if you fail, we fail, so there is a deep interest in making sure you succeed.
Given that so many of today’s terrorists come from our part of the world, who better to rely upon, than us, in giving you a heads up when it’s in our ability to do so?
Before you walk on that debate stage tonight (Wednesday), you would be well-advised to rethink your position on continuing financial support to Israel, not only because, as Gov. Haley said,” it’s the morally right and strategically smart thing to do,” but because doing so is accompanied with a guaranteed blessing per Genesis 12:3 – I will bless those who bless you!
America could use some blessing right about now, and any candidate who wins the presidency would do well to remember that particular scripture because it is a promise which has been kept ever since it was made to Abraham by Almighty God.
You can never go wrong by supporting Israel, however, a position that threatens to abandon her, especially now, at a time when Iran is boasting their capabilities to wipe us off the map, is an error that could cost you dearly.
So, Vivek, please reconsider your position as it relates to Israel, and come to the conclusion that you must never abandon us – the best friends you’ll ever have!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.