It seems those in power do not share the boldly stated sentiment of the 300 who have been threatened with arrest for their pro-Israel statement
It seems those in power do not share the boldly stated sentiment of the 300 who have been threatened with arrest for their pro-Israel statement
ALL ISRAEL NEWS/ALL ARAB NEWS to host webinar with Rosenberg fielding your questions about his latest nonfiction book, “Enemies and Allies” released earlier this month
PM, who has been in office about 100 days, has already met with the king of Jordan and president of Egypt
In a podcast interview with Jerusalem Post editors, Rosenberg explains the Christian connection to the holiday and the ebbs and flows of Evangelical influence regarding the Jewish state
Intelligence services said cell was planning terror attacks; But PA president warns Palestinian deaths could spark more violence
ICEJ produces international music video of popular Israeli song to kick off Feast of Tabernacles
The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.