Recent survey shows that most Israelis prefer the previous government
Recent survey shows that most Israelis prefer the previous government
At Reagan Library, Rosenberg says of Putin, ‘We have a monster on our hands,’ yet rather than pursue ‘peace through strength’ Biden is inviting ‘war through weakness’
After Vienna talks last week, Israeli leaders step up tough talk on nuclear Iran
During Q&A at the Reagan Library, ALL ISRAEL NEWS founder warns that restarting Iranian nuclear deal will likely not lead to peace
UAE-Israel cooperation and collaboration has a transformative impact on the economy and society of the Gulf region
This is the third attack in the past two weeks: Is the situation heading to an intifada?
The extremely high cost of living in Tel Aviv is ultimately linked to demand widely outstripping supply, especially in the housing market
But will armed guards still stand inside state-run quarantine facilities to prevent citizens from leaving?
Coronavirus czar, Knesset member are the latest – and highest-level officials – to raise the idea in Israel
The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.