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What’s the difference between anti-Israel protests and pro-Palestinian demonstrations?

Demonstrators take part in an "Emergency Rally: Stand with Palestinians Under Siege in Gaza," amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., October 14, 2023. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

If you had to do a double-take on the title, don’t feel bad. It’s one of those “six of one, half a dozen of another” riddles. But, although you may have thought that anti-Israel protests and pro-Palestinian demonstrations are the same thing, it’s time to learn that they are actually quite different.

Anti-Israel protests, by their nature, are mostly composed of individuals who have found a convenient outlet to express their disdain for all things Jewish by cleverly utilizing the State of Israel at which to direct their anger, frustration and even intense hatred. They are focused on their pernicious views, similar to the Nazis, who believed that Jews were inferior, that they were behind all of the world’s problems and, generally, despised people, without whom the world would be a better place.

Dan Diker, president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the former World Jewish Congress secretary-general, claimed, during a recent interview with Mark Levin, that “Hamas has been on campuses for decades and been given a free pass by university presidents, faculty and administration. Hamas has been given an endorsement by student groups on hundreds of campuses across North America, and the massacre of October 7th, which killed the equivalent of 50,000 Americans, has received ideological and moral support from hundreds of campuses across the U.S., under the umbrella of student groups called, Justice in Palestine.”

In other words, as Levin said, these student groups are actually front groups for those who have ties to terrorists. Many are also connected to the BDS Movement (Boycott, Divest, Sanction of Israel). While Oct. 7 fired them up all the more, they were very active long before those events, “writing op-eds for campus newspapers with appeals to protect Palestinian human rights, often accusing Israel of colonialism and racism.”

These Jew-haters and Israel bashers have a burning aspiration to remove all Jewish presence from the Middle East. Of course, if they succeed in that goal, their next move would be to take up where Hitler left off in his quest for a “Final Solution” to completely rid the world of all its Jews.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations, on the other hand, are comprised of a completely different constituency and maintain another focus and goal. These protests are filled with the usual assortment of ready-for-hire anarchists, who are always up for the latest grievance. Their manufactured ire is directed at America, tradition, patriotism, godliness, the family structure and, most of all, the existence of law and order.

These demonstrators seek riots, violence, the burning down of structures, and the toppling of statues and beloved icons. Generally speaking, they are against anything associated with Western culture or whatever fails to exalt Islam which, to them, represents the mother of all marginalized groups.

Unlike the aforementioned anti-Israel events, pro-Palestinian demonstrators seek to promote chaos that favors the dispelling of all authority, because it's the very thing that preserves boundaries and rules. Likewise, they, too, have found a convenient outlet or cause in which to cynically use in order to “appear” as those who champion the disenfranchised and downtrodden of society.

Of course, the irony is that their anarchistic acts always end up further hurting the poor and voiceless, who suffer from the destruction, loss of services and other protections that are greatly hampered once the damage is done.

What these professional anarchists fail to recognize is that those whom they claim to be helping, are often the victims of corrupt leaders or brutal terrorists who have successfully framed their people as being the casualties of the evil oppressors they hate – in this case, Israel. 

Consequently, they ignore the real enemy, who has put them in danger while continually placing their lives in peril. Caring nothing for the people who trusted their leadership, believing that they’d be in good hands, after promising them victory and prosperity, their Hamas government, instead, is ready to destroy them as part of the process to achieve their goals. Sadly, they are merely seen as a dispensable means to an end.

These pro-Palestinian demonstrators are the same individuals who despise human rights while feigning advocacy for the weak and disabled. They abhor personal freedoms, democratic processes and anything that creates goodness or beauty. Their ultimate goal is oppression, intolerance of others who oppose them and full subjection to them in every form.

As American commentator, author and editor Katie Pavlich put it: “These are not anti-Israel rallies. These are pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism rallies. They are anti-West and anti-American. They want to tear down the Constitution. Their belief system is free speech for them and not for anyone who criticizes them, and it is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. These rallies are happening all over the world and we’re seeing this justification, not just of October 7th, where people were murdered inside their homes, but they want a ceasefire against a terror organization that is still holding 130 hostages – not soldiers, not enemy combatants, but a 9-month-old baby who turned 10 months-old in captivity…they believe in terrorism as a result to resistance.” (Fox News, The Big Weekend Show, Jan. 14, 2024)

The one common thing shared by the anti-Israel protesters and pro-Palestinian demonstrators, however, is that both groups are committed to portraying Jews as the enemy because it conveniently helps to spread hatred, prejudice, lies and division – all useful elements when pitting one group against another.

So, in that sense, both are bad for Israel and the Jewish population worldwide, but countering their exploits is not a simple feat because even the police are often fearful of them, knowing that an encounter could so easily turn out badly. What is clear is that many of these individuals suffer from mental instability and are capable of just about anything.

Yet, if they are not properly contained by law enforcement and governmental authorities, they will become a raging fire, severely scorching everything and everyone in their path. Their destructive power builds nothing, protects nothing and champions nothing. Therefore, admiration for their cause is completely misplaced and fails to comprehend what they hope to achieve – the dismantling of thousands of years of great accomplishment, societal advancements that benefit all and the hope of striving for a better future for mankind.

Their frightening acts only return us to a dark period in history which held fear, endangerment and distrust of one’s fellow man. Do we really want to go back to that time when each day posed a great risk to our lives? If not, then the time to do something is now! Because survival demands that we all become soldiers in this battle against dark forces that are waging a war that only ends when everything we once cherished is gone.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she is retired and now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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