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WATCH: Thwarted plots and mysterious explosions: Israel's Prayer Needs - ALL ISRAEL Prayer Points

Join Oriel Moran for critical prayer point update on Israel's security situation and how to pray effectively. We'll cover the mysterious explosions in Lebanon, a thwarted assassination plot, and new border security measures. Learn how to intercede for Israel's leaders, soldiers, and civilians during these challenging times.

Click on the video above to watch or read the transcript below.

Shalom, I'm Oriel Moran and welcome to our All Israel Prayer Points. As we gather to pray for Israel and the Jewish people, let's reflect on Psalm 121:4: "Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."

Recent events in Israel and the surrounding regions call for our fervent prayers. Let's focus our hearts and minds on these urgent matters:

A wave of mysterious explosions has rocked Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah's communication devices. Over 3,000 Hezbollah operatives have been wounded in these incidents. While the source remains unclear, tensions are escalating rapidly.

Let us pray:

- For the protection of innocent civilians in Lebanon caught in the crossfire

- For wisdom for Israeli leadership in navigating this volatile situation

- For the dismantling of terrorist infrastructure without further loss of life and

- For peace to prevail in the region, according to God's will

Shifting our focus to internal security, Israeli intelligence has thwarted a disturbing plot. A 73-year-old Israeli citizen has been arrested for allegedly conspiring with Iranian intelligence to assassinate high-ranking Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant.

We lift up these prayers:

- For continued divine protection over Israel's leaders and citizens

- For the exposure and neutralization of all threats against Israel

- For wisdom and discernment for Israel's security services and 

- For the hearts of those who plot against Israel to be changed

The IDF is strengthening security along the Jordanian border, creating a new regional division and deploying advanced technology. This comes in response to growing concerns about potential infiltrations and smuggling attempts.

Let us intercede:

- For the success of these new security measures

- For the safety of IDF soldiers stationed along the border

- For peaceful relations between Israel and Jordan to be maintained and

- For divine protection over Israel's borders on all sides

As we conclude, let us remember the words of Isaiah 54:17: "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord.

What scriptures are you praying over Israel at this time? Share them in the comments below so we can all be encouraged as we join our prayers with those around the world.

Stay tuned for more updates and prayer points in the coming days. Shalom and may the God of Israel bless you and keep you.


The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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