Jared Kushner’s institute releases “Abraham Accords Progress Report 2021” with exciting details of soaring trade and investment deals
Jared Kushner’s institute releases “Abraham Accords Progress Report 2021” with exciting details of soaring trade and investment deals
This constitutes the largest deal between Israel and Jordan in 27 years since peace accords and is a byproduct of the Abraham Accords
Jordan, Israel – technically at peace for 25 years – are increasingly working together over the past few months
Israel also has plans to improve the site on its side of the Jordan River where John is believed to have baptized Jesus
Outside of Syria, the Hashemite Kingdom has been hard hit by effects of civil war having absorbed more than 1 million refugees and seeing increase in drug trade, terrorism
Historic meeting underscores efforts by both Jordan and Israel to improve relations
In a video, ALL ARAB NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg says that relations between the neighboring countries – which had chilled since the peace agreement – now appear to be warming once again
Jordan, one of world’s most water poor nations, and Israel have seen a marked improvement in relations over the past few months
In his pre-recorded speech, Jordanian king focused a good portion of his remarks on the role of Jerusalem in the quest for peace and on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict