New govt's guidelines cast vision of 'exclusive and inalienable' right of the Jewish people to land of Israel
While guidelines are non-binding, they indicate direction and intentions of an incoming coalition

With the 37th Israeli government getting ready to be sworn in, the bloc of nationalist and religious parties published its guiding principles – the general but non-binding goals of the coalition – on Wednesday, some 24 hours before its swearing in as required by Israeli law.
The guidelines essentially cast the vision of the incoming coalition and indicate what the new ministers want to accomplish. In this case, the top point emphasizes the “exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel” for the Jewish people.
That includes a goal of settlement building in internationally disputed territories such as the West Bank, known also as Judea and Samaria.
The government also intends to continue its opposition to Iran’s nuclear program – the third point on the list.
This is different from the coalition agreements that each of the parties signed, which include demands and action items that will be carried out.
Here is the translation of the principles of Israel’s 37th government as translated by The Times of Israel:
The government will act in accordance with the following guidelines:
The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel – in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan and Judea and Samaria.
The government will actively work to boost national security and provide personal security to its citizens, while resolutely and determinedly fighting violence and terrorism.
The government will act to continue the struggle against Iran’s nuclear program.
The government will work to strengthen the status of Jerusalem.
The government will work to promote peace with all our neighbors while preserving Israel’s security, historical and national interests.
The government will aim for social justice by developing the periphery and reducing societal gaps, while uncompromisingly combating poverty through education, employment and increased assistance to the weaker segments of the population.
The government will act to encourage the use of public transportation and to solve the traffic congestion problems on the roads.
The government will advance a plan to deal with the soaring cost of living and will work to create economic conditions that will enable sustainable growth.
The government will view reducing housing prices and increasing the supply of apartments as a national goal, and will act to lower housing prices.
The government will take steps to guarantee governance and to restore the proper balance between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.
The government will act to increase Jewish immigration from all countries around the world.
The government will regard education as a top national priority and will work to advance reforms in the education system while ensuring equality between all populations in the various education systems, and strengthening Jewish identity.
The government will preserve the Jewish character of the state and the heritage of Israel, and will respect the practices and traditions of members of all religions in the country in accordance with the values of the Declaration of Independence.
The status quo on issues of religion and state will be preserved as it has been for decades in Israel, including with regard to the holy places.
The government will act to address the problem of personal security in Arab society and to fight crime in Arab society, while encouraging education, providing adequate and appropriate solutions for young people, and investing as necessary in infrastructure in Arab localities.
The government will act to advance vocational training and education in technological professions in order to adequately meet the current needs of the industry in Israel as a major economic growth factor.
The government will work to integrate people with disabilities of any kind into societal life, while assisting in their education and employment, will take care of the basic needs of those who are unable to sustain themselves, and will act to improve the status of the elderly, the disabled and families with many children.
The government will act to protect the environment in Israel, to improve the quality of life of the country’s residents, and to have Israel contribute to the global effort on climate and environmental issues.
The government will work to strengthen the security forces and to give backing to soldiers and police officers in order to fight and defeat terrorism.
The government will act to recognize the Golan Heights as a strategic region with broad development potential, and will lead a wave of settlement, development and promotion of initiatives while preserving the Golan’s unique values of nature, humanity and the environment.

Nicole Jansezian was the news editor and senior correspondent for ALL ISRAEL NEWS.