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Netanyahu’s son Yair shares video of reserve infantryman advocating mutiny against defense leaders

IDF opens investigation into incident, arresting one soldier Saturday night

Israeli soldier in a video message threatening mutiny against defense officials (Photo: Screenshot)

A video was released on social media on Friday showing a masked soldier calling for a rebellion against IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. 

The video, originally uploaded by Israeli pro-Netanyahu journalist Yinon Magal, was later shared on another social media platform by the prime minister's son, Yair Netanyahu.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the video is for you. We reservist soldiers do not intend to hand the keys over to any Palestinian Authority. We do not intend to give the keys to Gaza to any entity – Hamas, Fatah or any other Arab entity,” the soldier declared in Hebrew. “The reserve soldiers are behind you and we want victory.” 

The video shows a soldier wearing a uniform and full combat equipment. Behind him, spray-painted graffiti of statements supporting extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane can be seen. 

Rabbi Kahane taught that only Jews should have voting rights in Israel, advocated for making rabbinic law the law of the land, and even suggested expelling non-Jews from Israel. The rabbi was eventually convicted in the United States and Israel, of plotting terror acts and was banned from serving in the Knesset. His "Kach" political party was also banned from participating in Israeli politics. Several current coalition members have previously espoused Kahanist ideology, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.  

The video released on Friday features the soldier addressing Netanyahu, stating there are “100,000 reserve soldiers ready to give their lives for the people of Israel. Ready to die.” 

“We lost everything, we lost our family life, we lost our livelihoods and we have nowhere to go,” the soldier stated. “We will stay here, until the end. Until the victory.” 

The soldier then addresses Gallant, telling him to resign. 

“Yoav Gallant, you can't win the war – resign, you can't command us,” the soldier states. “We will call on the residents of the State of Israel to come to Gaza under our protection. We will listen to only one leader, it's not the defense minister and the chief of staff, it's just one leader – the prime minister.” 

Following the release of the video, an IDF spokesperson responded: "The behavior documented in the video is a serious violation of IDF orders and values and constitutes suspicion of criminal offenses. In connection with the incident, the Military Advocate General ordered an investigation by the Military Police. In parallel with the investigation, in view of the severity of the incident, the chief of staff instructed an immediate command dialogue at all levels.” 

The release of the video could constitute a criminal offense of sedition and publication of sedition, which are punishable by up to five years in prison. 

Hours after the video was released, and after it was shared by Netanyahu’s son, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) released a statement condemning the video. 

“The Prime Minister has repeatedly warned against refusal to serve, and the permissive approach toward it. The Prime Minister is consistent in this position; he completely rejects any display of refusal to serve from any side whatsoever and expects all official agencies to deal with it uniformly,” the statement read. 

Minutes after the PMO released its statement, War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz issued a statement blasting the video and calling on Netanyahu to condemn the “sedition.” 

“In the IDF, as the people’s army, soldiers from all parts of Israeli society serve, with a variety of views and beliefs – but there is only one top command rank: the chief of staff,” Gantz said. 

He added that “expressing support for the call for rebellion during wartime, or in general, as in the video published yesterday, harms Israel’s security,” and called on the prime minister to “clearly and unambiguously condemn the seditious video and not to hide behind a laundromat of words.”

On Saturday night, Hebrew news sites reported the arrest of one person resulting from the investigation. The name of the individual is currently under embargo and cannot be published in Israeli media.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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