Israel facing ‘darkest hour’ of internal division in 75 years — I ask Evangelicals to pray for Israel like never before
WATCH VIDEO: Here’s the conversation I had last night with TBN’S CENTERPOINT anchor

BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA — It’s very hard for me to be so far away from Israel right now as my country is in the middle of the most intense political and social crisis in its modern history.
For the past month, Lynn and I were in the States to visit with and care for my elderly parents, as well as to spend much-needed time with family and friends. I also made time to conduct various interviews for ALL ISRAEL NEWS and THE ROSENBERG REPORT.
Right now, we’re in British Columbia for a week of board meetings for The Joshua Fund, the non-profit organization that we founded back in 2006 to educate and mobilize Christians to “bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus,” according to the Abraham Covenant found in Genesis 12:1-3.
Over the last 17 years, The Joshua Fund has raised invested nearly $100 million to strengthen the Church in Israel and the Arab world, provide humanitarian relief to the needy and vulnerable, and educate the Church worldwide about God’s love and plan for the people of the Epicenter, according to the Bible.
As a team, we’ve been closely monitoring the crisis and spending much time in prayer for believers and unbelievers there.
I’ve also been doing media interviews about the escalating crisis with various networks.
Last night, I was interviewed by Lyndsay Keith, the new host of CENTERPOINT, the main nightly news show on TBN, the most-watched Christian TV network in America.

“It seems like Israel is in what most people are calling one of the worst crises it has ever seen since its history,” Lyndsay began. “How bad is it?”
“Well, Lyndsay, unfortunately, Israel, I think, is in its darkest hour of internal division since the modern founding of the country in May of 1948,” I replied.
“We’ve faced all kinds of external crises from day one — minute one — of Israel in 1948, the invasion by seven Arab nations, and then, of course, in [the wars of] 1956 and ‘67 and ‘73 and ‘82 and on and on,” I continued. “People have tried to attack us from the outside. But what's happening now is tremendous internal division. And literally, a former prime minister of Israel just yesterday said it is bringing the country to the brink of civil war.”
Lyndsay then asked if I really believe Israel is heading into a civil war.
“Well, no, I don't think that,” I told her. “But, could violence break out? Yes, it could. And that's what worries me and worries others.”
“I mean, there's no question there are hundreds of thousands of people in the streets, which would be a big deal in any American city. But if you talk about a country of only 10 million citizens, when you have, you know, 400,000 to 500,000 people on the streets, this is huge.”

That’s when I asked Christians in the U.S., Canada, and all over the world to join me in praying for the Lord to restore calm and quiet to Israel immediately.
“I would call on every Evangelical Christian to be praying right now for the peace of Jerusalem and for all Israelis, that the Lord would superintend some sort of calming measure here,” I said on CENTERPOINT.
As you’ll see in the interview, I don’t agree with the vicious and hyperbolic attacks being made against this “Reasonableness Standard Law.”
This isn’t the “end of democracy” in Israel.

And all the left-wing politicians and pundits, including President Biden, who are claiming that this is a disaster and that the sky is falling are doing a terrible disservice to Israel.
I’m proud of the calm, clear, honest and balanced coverage that ALL ISRAEL NEWS provides.
You’re not going to find such coverage of Israel in much of the so-called 'mainstream' media.
But you will find it here.
That, after all, is why we exist.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.