All Israel
northern front

Heavy Hezbollah attacks damage electrical grid after Israel ups the pace of targeted eliminations

IDF drills possible future ground maneuvers in Lebanon

View of a large fire caused from rockets fired from Lebanon, outside Kibbutz Malkia, on the Israeli border with Lebanon, May 26, 2024 (Photo: Ayal Margolin/Flash90).

Northern Israel has suffered another difficult two days of warfare, as the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon fired around 90 projectiles into the region since Monday morning, heavily damaging the electrical grid and numerous homes in the area without causing casualties.

This followed 16 separate attacks against northern Israel on Sunday.

Most of the damage on Monday was caused by two large barrages, one numbering around 35 Grad rockets targeting the Mount Meron region, while the other included some 25 Grad and Falaq rockets and targeted the area of Kiryat Shmona, according to Army Radio.

Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) reportedly gathered engineering teams from across northern Israel quickly to repair the significant damage to the grid, which was successfully restored by Tuesday morning.

The launches also sparked several small fires which were contained and did not cause significant damage.

In addition, Hezbollah forces fired several more anti-tank missiles and drones, which continued into Tuesday morning, with three missiles being launched at Shtula.

The recent increase in Hezbollah attacks follows a resurgence of targeted eliminations of its terrorists by Israel, with at least seven Hezbollah operatives killed in airstrikes on Sunday.

Israel responded by shelling the launch areas with artillery and launched several waves of airstrikes, hitting the launchers used in the attacks at Meron, as well as terror infrastructure, compounds, and a weapons warehouse in Maiss al-Jabal, al-Khiam and Ayta al-Sha’ab, among other sites.

The attack at Mount Meron occurred just days after violent clashes erupted between police forces and thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish pilgrims who had illegally entered the area despite a police blockade established due to fears of Hezbollah attacks during the Lag Ba’Omer holiday.

Over the last week, Hezbollah claimed responsibility for launching 75 attacks on targets in northern Israel, compared to 68 attacks the previous week, according to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

The IDF announced on Tuesday that in recent weeks, its 146th Division and the 205th Reserve Armored Brigade held an exercise simulating a ground maneuver in Lebanon.

The drill reportedly simulated combat scenarios in Israel’s north, the rapid deployment of forces in the field, the functioning of the division and brigade headquarters and the readiness of the forces for an attack, the IDF said in a statement.

Hezbollah joined Hamas in its attacks against Israel on Oct. 8 and has since launched near-daily attacks on military and civilian targets.

In the past weeks, Israeli media reported that several local council heads in northern Israel have received threatening messages on WhatsApp from Hezbollah operatives

“To the settlers of the north, we only target the houses where soldiers have settled,” one of the messages sent to the Merom HaGalil Regional Council head Amit Sofer read. “If the fighting in Gaza doesn’t stop, there will be no houses left.”

“You must understand that nothing will change here in the north after September 1 if the attacks on Gaza don’t stop,” read another message sent to Sofer.

The text messages were written in Hebrew and undersigned “Hezbollah.”

Hezbollah attacks have so far killed 10 Israeli civilians and 14 IDF soldiers.

The terror group confirmed that 322 of its operatives were killed in Lebanon and Syria, in addition to 62 operatives belonging to other terror groups since the conflict began.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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