Extensive study reveals Twitter accused Israel of human rights violations more than any other country, including Iran
Jewish state accused of human rights abuses 55 times more frequently than Russia, despite war in Ukraine

The Jewish state has been accused of human rights violations on the Twitter social media platform more than any other country in the world, according to an extensive study conducted by the Ruderman Family Foundation and the NGO Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI).
The study, which analyzed approximately 100 million tweets over several years, discovered that Israel is much more frequently accused of human rights violations than even the world’s leading human rights offenders such as Iran, North Korea, Russia and China.
Despite Moscow’s brutal war in Ukraine, Israel was accused of human rights abuses 55 times more frequently than Russia.
In addition, Israel was accused 38 times more often than Iran of violating human rights, despite Tehran’s brutal oppression of its people and extensive terrorism export,
When compared to North Korea, a militant dictatorship that reportedly enslaves and starves its population, Israel was accused of human rights abuses a staggering 111 times more often.
In an era where antisemitism is formally no longer politically correct, many critics of the Jewish nation try to distinguish between anti-Zionism and antisemitism.
However, NCRI CEO Adam Sohn believes they are, in practice, two sides of the same coin.
“Many people distinguish between anti-Zionism and antisemitism but our research suggests that the tropes they use are nearly identical,” Sohn said.
“In the present, as well as in previous analyses we’ve done, we found a correlation with real-world antisemitic incidents. The tropes of anti-Zionism are used to justify a larger attack against Jews everywhere, and we urge proper measures to be taken against it,” he added.
Antisemitism has doubled on Twitter since Elon Musk bought the social media platform less than 10 months ago, according to a study conducted by the London-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue and the CASM Technology firm.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.