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'When America tells you what to do, who said that you have to listen?


The above quote was said in answer to a question. When Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion asked the U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles: "Why did America ask Israel to leave the Sinai Peninsula - and now Israel is facing a war with Egypt," the secretary of state replied: "When America tells you what to do, who said that you have to listen?" This retort was printed in the newspapers at the time in 1954.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter advised Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin regarding Egypt, and nothing came out of it.

U.S. President Bill Clinton advised Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin regarding the PLO with Yasser Arafat, and nothing came out of it.

U.S. President Barack Obama envision "an Arab Spring" for the Arab which. And the Arab world created "the killing fields."

We all remember U.S. President John Kennedy and President Lyndon Johnson when they took a stand with Israel.

We all remember U.S. President Richard Nixon when he saved Israel in 1973.

Then, why should Israel listen to advice that is politically motivated, when a letter not in favor of Israel was signed by many in the White House?

Advocating for a two-state solution that is a betrayal of "the Palestinian cause" when nothing good will come out of it!

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations in New York, voted to create two states side by side in British Mandate Palestine: and Arab, Palestinian state and a Jewish state in Israel. And what came out of it? "The Palestinian cause" is still very much existent and extant in Israel today. A cause is fueling Arab hatred toward the Jewish State of Israel and the Jewish people!

Bernard Baruch is a Jerusalemite living in New York.

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