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Warning to America: Your days of freedom are numbered

A speaker at “The People’s Conference for Palestine,” May 2024 (Photo: Screenshot)

Most Americans are completely unaware of what is happening right under their nose, especially if they live in a quiet, country setting where not much has changed over the last 30 years. The thought that thousands of well-placed Palestinians who, seemingly came to live on their shores for a better life, but who, in reality, are plotting a takeover, seems like the stuff of conspiracy theories.

But while the U.S. may feel impervious to radical Islamic terrorists, embroiled in wars far away from them, one organization, called Canary Mission, dedicated to documenting the spread of hatred towards the U.S, Israel and Jews throughout North America, says it shouldn’t. 

A shocking clip, sponsored by the group, and posted on X, depicts a systematic and careful documenting of what appears to be a well-coordinated effort to transform America into yet another Islamic stronghold, which resembles Iran. 

The video begins with a Detroit, Michigan conference called “The People’s Conference for Palestine,” that took place this past May, hosting over 100 organizations comprised of 3,000 activists who were challenged by a speaker, warning that some of those attendees might not return next year, since the struggle for liberation requires sacrifice – meaning that they could lose their lives.

That same speaker, Taher Herzallah assured the listeners that Palestinians, who made America their home, did so with a clear vision in mind, to take over the country and remake it, by doing so from within. Most of those who came to this conference are young Palestinians from a variety of organizations which actively target college campuses and popular urban locales where protesting is commonplace.   

Needless to say, Hamas’ October 7th massacre took center stage at the conference, being celebrated as a great victory, as it helped to embolden these sleeper groups, who came out from the shadows, finally declaring their hatred of the Jews and the country which has welcomed them for over 250 years – the USA. 

So many of these young people, who identify as activists, are really anarchists at heart, shouting death and destruction to the U.S. For them, vandalism is just one of their tools of resistance in their quiver of weapons to frighten and intimidate others. Occupying spaces is yet another tactic, as they set up campus encampments, only dismantled by force. Flags, representing the intolerance and hatred of other cultures, is yet another means to stake their claim, declaring the territory they occupy has been conquered. 

Unfathomable to most everyday Americans are their chants of support for Hamas, a barbaric and savage terror group that would scare the wits out of anyone, since pastime is wholesale murder and savage torture.  

But these cheerleaders, whose presence on American streets, was filmed just a few months ago, described what took place in Israel, on that fated day, as exhilarating, calling it, “a job well done.” According to the clip, they wasted no time declaring war on the U.S. just a day after the massacre. 

Their one goal is “to bring the war home” – meaning to America, to which they refer as “the empire.” That is where we see crowds marching in the streets, screaming, “The empire will fall,” as they burn the American flag in plain sight for all to see their contempt for the land that took them in. 

But while many of these protesters and anarchists are of Palestinian descent, they have somehow managed to infect other young people with the same disdain for all things American, recruiting them  to join forces, as we’ve, sadly, witnessed over the last year.  It is this army that is committed to “bringing the empire to its knees.”

And while they realize that it will take time and hard work, each of them is willing to pitch in  and wait it out for however long it takes to accomplish their objective of destroying the country they despise. Their talk of resistance is code for the violence they intend to employ as a means to achieve their final goal “by any means necessary,” the chant they repeat over and over again. 

Anyone with a good imagination can deduce that beatings, intimidation, destruction of property as well as threats of rape and murder are on the table. In fact, imagination is not even necessary as they, unapologetically, state all they are willing to do, including the taking up of arms, because, after all, that is what “freedom fighters” do – the euphemism used to market the savage violence of terrorists which is excused and justified. 

This conference was a strategy session in figuring out the best way to move forward in their shared hope to undo the U.S.A. Their methods include the total disruption of American life through mass mobilization, making it impossible for freedom of movement to take place as usual.  Other ideas were to forcibly shut down events as well as all public transportation, utilizing the encampment method of taking over an area and seizing manufacturing facilities of weapons.

Perhaps, the most effective course they hope to pursue is to create a “social crisis within the ruling class,” making life untenable in every arena possible - in short, to disrupt all of society as much  and as often as possible.  It is this type of intoxicating power which they hope will garner more supporters from the young, pliable minds of college students, many of whom lack proper direction and motivation. The idea is to provide them with a cause that entices them to become revolutionaries. 

By targeting the pillars of American culture, such as its history, its monuments and its cherished legacy, the more they can destroy the society from within.  Of course, this comes at a time when law enforcement is reviled and reluctant to take measures for fear of being punished by their overseers, so this, too, works in the favor of those dedicated to a takedown of America.

Never were conditions better than these days when everything is topsy turvy.  But even if you have not personally encountered such individuals, they are, nonetheless, in your midst, waiting for the right moment to strike and fulfill their dream.  

What they’re counting on is that Americans will continue to sleep and be lulled into a false sense that what’s going on far away will never happen to them.

It will, and, sadly, it’s already started!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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