The sins of the international community

In her article, “Goebbels and the Fuhrer,” which bears the same name as the recently released film, writer Yael Ben Moshe laments that “it should have been made decades ago,” because the similarities of “demagoguery, disinformation and manipulation, as weapons,” employed by Goebbels and Hitler “still have a devastating effect upon the world which no longer understands how to defend democracy and free societies, at a time when we stand, once more, at the crossroads.”
Ben Moshe has definitely hit on something – the inability of “the world” to understand how to defend themselves. But, in order for that to happen, they must first be able to identify and call out evil, in their midst, and that is clearly where Europe went wrong, as Nazism began to emerge and where today’s international community, a/k/a, the world, has, likewise, fallen short.
The lack of a moral compass is so glaring, that everyone has noticed, including writer Felice Friedson, who is crying out for what she identifies as the pressing need of a global response, as she asks, “Where is the international community?
Referring to the present hostage deal, made between Israel and Hamas, Friedson believes that “this paves the way for more hostage crises, with groups like Hamas empowered to dictate outcomes,” citing “negotiations that are a kind of blackmail.”
But what happens when the international community has a horse in the race? What if their tendency leans on the side which views Jews as the problem? And in a one-sided, politically-charged global atmosphere, such as what exists today, how anxious and forthcoming would governments, their leaders or prominent human rights agencies be, knowing, in advance, that support for the wrong side would draw scorn?
On the other hand, maybe that’s giving them too much credit. Because refusing to speak out, when you know something is wrong, takes into account that there is an unspoken acknowledgement that an evil has been committed. It means that an awareness and consciousness is operative, allowing for a proper moral judgment to be made. But, in this case, perhaps, that is not the situation.
Because, when there is a propensity to view the world’s ills through the lens of Jewish culpability, then a corrupt world will look silently upon injustice and have no qualms with the cynical manipulation and reversal of blame being heaped upon the real victims who suffered a brutal massacre, with the justification that they had it coming to them.
So, why should we expect the international community to come to the aid of Israel, when they have also turned a blind eye to so many other blatant injustices, within our lifetime, such as the Darfur genocide, the Yazidi genocide, the Kurdish genocide, the Cambodian genocide, and so many others. Sadly, there is no shortage of mass killing and the displacement of millions, all met with the silence of international communities, whose lack of an outcry is deafening.
It’s no wonder, though, because, as evil is whitewashed, the international community has a problem recognizing the depravity of terrorism, indifferent to the plight of the people, in whose name and for whose benefit, it is supposedly being committed. While the tears and hand-wringing are visible for misplaced Gazans, there is no willingness to concede that the homeless or hungry, among them, are in that condition, courtesy of their terrorist government, which perpetrated a brutal massacre, putting into play the chain of events which would, undoubtedly, follow after one’s population suffers such a horrific attack on their soil.
Instead, a corrupt international community has pointed the finger of blame at Israel, accusing the Jewish homeland of being the source of displacing innocent people, never acknowledging the part they also played in providing crucial data of their Israeli employers’, to the enemy, thereby facilitating the attack of October 7th. Never held accountable for the systematic education of hate their children receive, they are incentivized to jump on the annihilation bandwagon to utterly destroy Israel.
Nor does anyone seem to condemn the street celebrations, which took place, as news got out that over a thousand Israelis had been murdered in one morning’s work.
It’s time for everyone to take a long-needed look at the hypocrisy and fecklessness of the international community, from whom help will not come. Because they are incapable of honest assessment, sincere empathy for the pain and suffering of others and indifferent to the rampant ongoing corruption which has, for too many years, been permitted to take place with impunity.
While there are, thankfully, a few exceptions to the total rot within the international community, they are, regrettably, not loud enough or forceful enough to make a difference by rightly placing the blame for the perversions of truth by the purveyors of inhumanity.
It’s so much easier to immediately accept the jaded version of international courts or human rights organizations, labeled the experts, whose investigative process, we’re told, was fair, proper and comprehensive. But when you fail to question the other side or get first-hand testimony from victims, whose family and friends were killed and mutilated right before their eyes, just how unbiased can their findings be? Or when your mediators are countries like Qatar, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, how much justice can be expected to be meted out for Israel?
I sympathize with Felice Friedson, as she lays out the case for the global community to step forward and call out Hamas for their deplorable acts as well as the great coup they pulled off, by successfully negotiating the release of their most hardened criminals, from Israeli prison, bypassing the life sentences which they were given for the murders of countless Israelis.
Where I differ from her impassioned plea is knowing the futility of calling on the international community, which has already decided who are the victims and who are the oppressors in this latest iteration of “blame it on the Jews” game. Friedson is looking to the wrong arbiters of justice for relief, because there can be no faith or trust placed in a world which isn’t willing to own up to their own sins, the stench of which has risen to high heaven.
This is the sorry state of humanity which looks to one another to solve the unsolvable. My recommendation to Ms. Friedson is to employ the one thing that can work – that is praying for divine judgment which never fails to mete out true justice!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.