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Not voting is abandoning Israel

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If you are one of the 41 million born-again American Christians who intend to sit out this year’s presidential election, because politics simply doesn’t interest you or both candidates are not your cup of tea, then you should consider that your non-vote, this time around, might result in the total abandonment of Israel.

As an ex-pat American, who has lived in Israel for the last 30 years, I can safely say that I have never seen a more politically-driven U.S. administration than the present one, which has sought to place restrictive limits and choking conditions upon the Jewish state, at a time when they have done their utmost to rid themselves, and the rest of the world, of the greatest cancer of our time, in the form of murderous, radical Islamic terrorists who detest all of mankind.

These savage beasts, called Hamas and Hezbollah, sponsored by Iran, the country that received financial life-saving CPR, by way of billions, courtesy of your government and Joe Biden. Prior to that time, Iran had been on life-support, devoid of funds, unable to finance bloodthirsty proxies who were all too happy to do the dirty work of massacring Jewish innocents – something we haven’t seen since the days of the Holocaust.  

Now, Biden’s heir apparent, who, when asked what she would have done differently than her boss, responded by saying that “not a thing comes to mind.”   – not even showering Iran with a jackpot of $16 billion, enough money to hire the best guns, able and ready to pick up where Hitler left off.

The fact that political cynicism is at an all-time high, is understandable. And that is because most political leaders have shown themselves to be self-serving, calculating, insincere, greedy, power hungry and those who employ the worst judgment. Failing to fight blatant corruption for fear of putting their own positions in jeopardy, most prefer to turn a blind eye while continuing to support their party’s many indiscretions. 

So, it’s no surprise that a mere “51% of ‘people of faith’ are likely to vote this November.” Believing that little will change as it relates to the out-of-control deficit spending or the millions of illegals who have already poured into the country through the open borders, it’s no wonder that so many have decided to opt out, preferring to go directly to God, through prayer, to solve the mess America is in.

Yes, the present unscrupulous and unprincipled political system has been responsible for losing a huge chunk of coveted votes, and while seeking the Almighty for help is definitely advisable, your vote, this year, could serve to bless Israel, rather than allowing her to be further cursed. Indeed, there are very flawed candidates vying for the top job, but one of them played a major role in moving the American Embassy to its rightful home – Jerusalem. He also began the process of the Abraham Accords, an effort to usher in an era of peace and mutual cooperation between Muslim countries, formerly hostile to Israel.

No one was more generous to Israel, short of, perhaps, President Harry Truman, who played a pivotal role in the establishment of the state. But contrast that to the Biden/Harris administration, which threatened to stop further weapons shipments if Israel’s military were to go into Rafah in pursuit of the terrorists and their belief that this was where the hostages were being held.

Of course, as any country is obligated to do, they went into the belly of the beast, the place where six dead hostages were found and their murderer, mastermind Yahya Sinwar was subsequently eliminated. Those two reasons were enough to disregard the ill-advised red line, given to Israel’s seasoned generals by those who have never fought a brutal enemy, or put on a uniform to defend their country.  How is it possible for self-serving men and women, many who have never held a job in the real world, to be the ones to determine war strategy and red lines?  But they did! And if Kamala Harris is elected president, don’t think, for one minute, that she won’t continue to follow suit. 

After all, Harris represents a party whose progressive wing has bitterly turned against Israel and American Jews as well. The once stalwart pro-Israel voices of the Democratic party, have barely spoken out or challenged the way that Israel’s hands have constantly been tied, by their leaders, over the last year, demanding ceasefires when it was imprudent to do so.  

By forbidding Israel to strike the head of the snake, Iran, crippling them the most by striking their oil fields or nuclear capabilities, they have chosen to preserve the possibility of wiping out the Jewish state, while they later set their sights on America, the big Satan.

Thank God that Israel has displayed unmitigated courage by defiantly doing what was right, knowing that our survival is on the line. But where do Christians come into this picture?

Can anyone who calls themselves a sincere, Bible-believing Christian afford to abandon Israel in her greatest hour of need by sitting out this election and giving a greater chance of a win to the candidate who berates Israel for defending her people? Falling into their trap, she points excessive Gazan deaths, not realizing that many were Hamas terrorists. Others were killed by their own leaders who saw their death as useful PR tools, parading them in front of media cameras, to make a case against Israel, knowing that no political leader wanted those optics on their watch.  

Rather than standing behind the front-line warriors, who put their own lives on the line, the Biden Administration, instead, posted a stop sign, causing delays and recalculations which significantly hurt Israel’s war efforts. They did it by leaking our plans for attack and by threatening to cut us off.

Many of you have prayed for us, and we value those prayers greatly, but you can do more! You can understand that even if you’ve lost hope for change in America, a non-vote at this critical time, is not in the best interest of Israel, who desperately needs the support of all of her friends.

An extra 41 million votes can turn the tide for Israel as she fights for her survival.  It might also do wonders for America, because the accompanying promise, for those who bless Israel, is that they, too, will be blessed.

Yes, God will surely watch over us, but you can make a difference in our fight, because a vote for Israel’s survival will surely be noted in heaven!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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