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Norway, Ireland and Spain wouldn’t live next door to Hamas

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Photo: DPA/Picture Alliance via Reuters)

If Israel ever wondered who they could count upon when things got rough for them, they now know that it’s not Norway, Ireland or Spain. Because all three decided to do the unthinkable – disregard the worst terror attack, which took place on Israeli soil since the establishment of the state in 1948, and reward the barbaric Gazan government with recognition of statehood. After all, what better time to honor them – while they still hold 100 innocents captive, as each day brings the discovery of more dead hostages. 

The irony is that these three countries would never agree to share a border with the likes of Hamas if they knew that they could be attacked at any moment, due to an intense hatred towards their people with the goal of annihilation.

But without deep consideration of what it means to live next door to a barbaric terror group which has no respect for life, Norway, Spain and Ireland, under the guise of the need to circumvent a “stuck” peace process, decided, by force, to bypass all negotiations between the relevant parties, determining that this is how it should be. So, they legitimized terrorism, spit on the graves of 1200, conveniently forget the men, women and children who have suffered the tortures of hell, for nearly 8 months and jumped straight to an unearned privilege, much to their shame and disgrace.

One has to wonder if Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide, who became frustrated with Israel’s unwillingness to negotiate with Hamas in order to come to some kind of workable solution, even comprehends what has taken place over the past few years as a savage terror group, pretending to be a legitimate government, was meticulously planning the elimination of whole communities in the south of Israel. Because he doesn’t sound as if he has one iota of understanding when he believes that “had Israel been ready to negotiate, that would have changed (their unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood) significantly.”

The Wednesday morning announcement, by these three countries, couldn’t have come at a worse time as shocking footage was aired the very same night, showing the capture of IDF female border observers, by Hamas invaders who had brutalized them, leaving them bloodied up and frightened for their lives, knowing what fate awaited them. No one has heard from them since. 

[Trigger alert – The video below contains graphic content that may be disturbing for some viewers.]

None of that seems to have phased Eide who is more focused on the frustration of Oslo as well as “other European countries… regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” So why not take matters into their own hands and create their fantasy world where terrorists suddenly play nice and abandon their plans of destruction?

There is absolutely no explanation for the naïve folly and ignorant childlike belief of foolish political leaders who have no clue as to the profound depths of evil that wholly possess the monsters who were able to swoop into a concert, kill in cold blood, violate women while dismembering them and burn families to death.  

As if they are familiar with all of the ins and outs of Israeli life, along with its many struggles and challenges, they point to the expansion of settlements as a legitimate provocation which necessitates their interference into our affairs. Seeing themselves as our overseers who have a self-appointed right to put on the brakes, they claim that their intervention is a response to “the use of Jewish extremist and settler violence to help expand Israel’s hold on West Bank territory.”

Forgotten is the fact that Israel has offered many proposals to end the continuous conflict which never gets resolved. Many generous offers have been made to Palestinians, throughout the years, by different Israeli leaders, in the hope of a permanent peace and the ability to live together as neighbors who respect one another. But with the rejection of each deal, it became very apparent that, just as in 1948, the Arabs wanted the whole pie or nothing at all. 

In other words, the goal was, and still remains, a Jew-free Middle East. Somehow, these facts are not recognized by Norway, Ireland and Spain, which are happy to view Palestinians as the consummate victims who, if not for Israel, would be peace-loving, civilized people with no thought of terrorizing others whose way of life they see as evil and degenerate.

All of this is lost on Eide who laments that “no real negotiations have been happening and there wasn’t any progress towards the two-state solution, which was only made worse by the events of October 7th.” Yes, at least that last statement is accurate. October 7th, was the final nail in the coffin, showing Israelis, and the entire world, who lives next door to us and to what extent they are willing to go in order to achieve their goals. 

Given all that has been reported and filmed, would Norway, Ireland or Spain be willing to be neighbors of such barbarians or declare a faux ceasefire, which would not be kept? What if those neighbors refused to recognize their respective nations as those which were legitimately established? 

Most of us are realistic enough to understand that although there are many dreams and aspirations for which we hope, the fruition of those things occurring is not always up to us. We all know that successful relationships demand two partners who are able to forge a partnership based on compromise, mutual respect and the desire to get along. These are conditions which cannot be forced, ordered or demanded by outsiders who don’t even have a good grasp on the many insurmountable challenges which are rife in the Middle East. 

This is why their efforts will only be looked upon as futile attempts to bring about a happy ending between murderers and peace-loving people. Here’s a news flash for Foreign Minister Eide. There will be “nothing that looks like a political peace process” until the Hamas terrorist regime is eliminated and the people who voted them into power are ready to put aside their hatred towards the neighbors on the other side of the fence in order to finally live without the need to kill us.

Until then, Norway, Ireland and Spain might want to concentrate on their own set of issues, which are by no means insignificant. Spain suffers from a whopping unemployment rate of 23%, asylum and migration challenges, gender-based violence, sexual abuse, poverty and healthcare issues, just to name a few. Norwegians can barely afford housing and Ireland is grappling with serious inflation, rising violence among youth, unaffordable housing, healthcare, education and immigration issues. Don’t they each have enough on their plate before they decide to stick their nose in our business?

In the end, each country is responsible for its own welfare, and Israel will do whatever it must to keep our citizens safe from the dangers that lurk right on our doorstep, the likes of which no other country would tolerate – including the three of them! 

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she is retired and now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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