Israel should prepare for the arrival of the Messiah
On July 19, 2018, as a consequence of the passage of the Nation-State Bill, Israel became the Nation-State of the Jewish People. The name of the nation, as well as the heritage, symbols, capital, language, holidays and rest days, and connection to the Jewish people—all as promoted and protected by the Basic Law—unquestionably connect the nation to HaShem. Among the important considerations accordingly applicable to the adoption of the Nation-State Bill is the fact that Israel can now, as a nation and not just a people group, re-assume its divine mandate to guide the world to G-d and serve as "a light for the nations" as prescribed for the nation by HaShem in Isaiah 42:5-7. Before the adoption of the Basic Law, it might have been impossible and perhaps unthinkable for Israel to take such action. Now, however, because HaShem is G-d of the Jewish People, and because the nation has very publicly and legally identified itself as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, the nation has made itself accountable to HaShem and the world to act consistently with the requirements of HaShem.
In this regard, I note that a host of Scriptures detail the indisputable prophecy that the Messiah is coming and that He will reign from Israel (Genesis 49:10, Numbers 24:17-19, Psalm 2:7-9, Psalm 24:7-10, Psalm 47:6-9, Psalm 66:1-5, Psalm 72, Isaiah 42:1, 4, Daniel 7:13-14 and Zechariah 14:4). Given these considerations, it seems imperative that Israel take national, public action to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah.
While it's difficult, indeed, to know even where to begin with such an action, it is clear from Scripture that, at a minimum, a highway is to be prepared in the desert (Isaiah 40:3)—presumably to the center of Jerusalem in preparation for the arrival of nations to celebrate and worship (Isaiah 2:1-4). In furtherance of this mandate from Scripture, it seems appropriate and perhaps also imperative that the nation accordingly take action to dedicate and improve Highway 1 to the East and Highway 60 to the South—perhaps officially naming them as HaShem’s Eastern Highway and HaShem’s Southern Highway.
Further, inasmuch as the Messiah is prophesied to restore the fallen Tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11), the nation should take action to acquire and dedicate land in the City of David for that specific purpose (see 1 Chronicles 21:24). At a minimum, the nation should support the Kohanim, and groups supporting them, in their efforts to accomplish such an objective. It is important to note in this regard, that the Tabernacle of David in the City of David will be the actual location from which the Messiah will reign (Isaiah 16:5). Accordingly, the nation should consider enabling the development of the land in preparation for both the restoration of the Tabernacle of David and the throne of the Messiah.
In addition, the nation should take action to substantially increase its reserves of gold, silver and livestock in preparation for the third temple (see Genesis 13:2, 1 Chronicles 29:4, 7 and Haggai 2:8).
The nation should also consider preparing the Messiah's crown (Psalm 21:3). Crowning the Messiah would seem to be a truly national action with international impact. Preparing the crown would accordingly be an affirmative national step to alert the world to the nation’s belief and expectation for its future. It would also enable the world to join the nation in anticipation of the Messiah’s arrival.
Of course, the nation could wait for the arrival of the Messiah to perform such actions, but the best time to act is now. (Isaiah 33:10, Psalm 39:7 and Psalm 131:3)—like Abraham, believing the promise of HaShem without tangible evidence of His actions (Genesis 15:6). Certainly the call of Isaiah 40:3 provides no basis for delay. It is a call to act now. Further, the nation can thereby express acknowledgment of and confidence in the prophecies that G-d has provided—publicly acknowledging the wonder of this gift of G-d (Isaiah 46:10 & Isaiah 48:5-8), which uniquely affects the nation of Israel.
Thus, in taking these important actions, Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People can take a very public and positive step to point the world to HaShem, fulfilling its obligation to be a “light to the nations,” and perhaps also thereby invite the favor of G-d to Israel. Please consider these words to be at least one voice crying from the wilderness (outside of Israel) to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. Shalom.

Mark Absher is an attorney, the author of Blue: A Graduate’s Guide to a Meaningful Life, and developer of the ServingScore mobile app. He loves God, Israel and prophecy and publishes materials regarding Bible prophecy at