Is an 'America First' agenda incompatible with supporting Israel?

To hear it from former Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Jack Shields, it’s impossible to support Israel while having an America First agenda. Not an anomaly, many others are of the same opinion that supporting another nation is tantamount to having a divided allegiance towards the United States.
The populist political theory of “America First,” initially coined by President Woodrow Wilson, is described as one which has an “emphasis of putting America first, disregarding global affairs and focusing solely on domestic policy in the U.S. – also known as a policy of isolationism, American nationalism and protectionist trade policy.”
If you think about it, the idea is exceedingly troubling, because if the concept of putting America first excludes helping valued allies, especially when they are most vulnerable and in need of assistance, it becomes a clever way to also cut out the Jewish homeland, under the guise of seeing to its own interests before all others. This is the current discussion being had after U.S. Senator J.D. Vance was chosen to be Donald Trump’s running mate in the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign.
On his recent July trip to Israel, Vance was photographed, touching the Western Wall, while praying as he donned a white kippa (skullcap). That powerful image, would appear to be contradictory to the “America First” senator whose isolationist vision, for his country, has been well-known, especially when it comes to continued support for Ukraine, something which he has rejected, unlike many of his colleagues who have pledged their unconditional support for the embattled country in their ongoing war against Putin.
But the 39-year-old freshman senator “has made support for Israel an exception,” stating, “I’m supportive of Israel and their war against Hamas.” Distinguishing his support for the Jewish homeland, in contrast to Ukraine, he seems to justify helping other nations only when it is in America’s interest to do so.
Citing that America’s Christian-majority accounts for the desire to continue support of Israel, he, as a Christian, explains that it is those same people who believe that “their Savior was born and died and resurrected in that narrow little strip of territory on the Mediterranean.” In other words, he makes the case that the strong religious connection is one which cannot be severed and is pivotal in determining foreign policy for America, assuring the unbreakable bond.
Consequently, Vance’s position is not to interfere or inject his personal opinion as to how Israel should execute the war which they are fighting against the brutal Hamas terrorist regime that, likewise, represents a threat to all civilized nations. In fact, Vance vocally criticized Biden back in March of 2023 when he perceived that unwanted advice was being injected into Israel’s political dealings. At the time, they were embroiled in a very stormy struggle over the separation of legislative and judicial powers, which was being threatened by the new ultra-religious government coalition.
It was then that Vance came to the conclusion that, perhaps, America should not attempt to get into the fray. It’s a position which he apparently continues to hold as he states, “I think that our attitude vis-a-vis the Israelis should be, look, we’re not good at micromanaging Middle Eastern wars, the Israelis are our allies, let them prosecute this war the way they see fit.”
Further weighing in, Vance spoke about his concern over Palestinian deaths but, at the same time, acknowledged the importance of eliminating the Hamas fighters whose dangerous ideology is the root of the problem.
But as Vance expressed what he sees to be a trend toward worldwide waning support for Israel, it appears that the “America First” agenda is being exploited by antisemites whose goal is to make sure that there is no military, financial or allied support for the Jewish nation as they fight their existential battle which must be won.
In that regard, it would not be surprising for the “America First” concept to morph into a convenient rationale for the strengthening of the U.S., by way of financially cutting off other countries, citing altruistic goals and endeavors to curb American poverty, boost its economy, help veterans, build much-needed infrastructure and so much more. The list is endless when considering all the good that an extra few billion could make to the American way of life. You can already imagine the arguments which would be designed to tug at the heartstrings of each citizen who has seen funding pulled for their fellow Americans, as endless dollars have been sent abroad, all too often with no accountability.
So why shouldn’t an isolationist tactic be used? It’s just another life form of antisemitism, but one which is a bit more nuanced and sophisticated. In other words, it’s not quite as obvious as just holding up a sign that says, “From the river to the sea.”
The best argument which can be made as to why it’s in America’s best interest to support Israel is one which has its basis in the scripture. Genesis 12:3 couldn’t be any clearer, “I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you.” The promise of blessing is one which America desperately needs, given the catastrophic trajectory upon which it has taken, particularly in the last ten years. To abandon Israel now, in the name of nationalistic priorities, is to further ensure that America is contributing to her own demise, leaving the door open for tragic results.
Vance was correct to acknowledge the faith connection, felt by so many Americans who embrace Israel as a result of their personal religious beliefs, but there is another strong reason why Israel should never be abandoned, because radical Islam is headed for them. In fact, it’s already in their midst, having infiltrated the country through its open borders, not even hiding their intent to execute terror attacks from within.
Unquestionably, Israel is the most equipped to fight this plague, which is committed to seeing the end of freedom, democracy, the right to think independently and choose one’s faith, lifestyle and viewpoint. On the front lines of this fight, Israel will continue to protect her own interests as well as that of her allies. The question is, will the U.S. be counted among those friends if, at some point, the choice to remain intrinsically connected is ditched for the mistaken notion that the “America First” agenda is incompatible with support for Israel?

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.