Exposing the religious rot

When the spiritual leaders of a country, whose ethics, laws and morals are supposed to be driven by its faith, especially when that faith claims to be an integral part of the people, there is an expectation that the highest level of character will be the force behind all that is done.
So how does anyone explain the shameful behavior of Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, former Sephardic chief rabbi who encouraged those who receive a draft notice to, “tear it up and flush it down the toilet.” These shocking and troubling sentiments, are not just his, because now United Torah Judaism (UTJ), a government coalition member, is also threatening to withhold support of a judicial reform bill unless there is an exemption for Haredi young men, precluding them from mandatory army service.
Just to emphasize how extreme these religious groups are, Rabbi Yosef has also suggested that young men whose lives are not wholly dedicated to Torah studies should also opt out of serving in the military. In short, he is saying that all ultra-Orthodox men should “ignore draft orders, because some yeshiva students who enlisted were corrupted and became secular, albeit later returning to religious life.”
This Sephardic rabbi, along with the head of UTJ, Yitzhak Goldknopf, who represent pious spiritual leaders, to those in their sphere, are all reminiscent of the “shepherd leaders” spoken of in Jeremiah 23 who misled the people. Described as those who had engaged in criminal behavior, they are not known for taking good care of those under their charge. The writer categorizes them as “prophets and priests devoted to desecration, having nothing to do with Me as their God.” (vs. 22 MSG)
This is the religious rot which is being exposed by the actions of these men. The fact that they have no understanding of the scriptures, which often commanded the Jewish people to go to battle in order to defeat the enemy, displays their great ignorance and disregard for the words spoken by the Almighty, whom they claim to revere, but who, in reality, they are ignoring.
Ironically, the Torah, in the book of Exodus characterizes “The Lord as a man of war.” (15:3) There is no confusion or mistaking for what is recorded in Deuteronomy 20 (also a book within the Torah) which states, “Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” (vs. 3, 4)
And so, He has! In just over a year, God has accomplished everything beyond our wildest dreams. by taking out some of the greatest threats known to the State of Israel. He has decimated leaders, weapons, armies and allowed us to secure our borders, but, despite what some ultra-Orthodox may think, none of this was done by being passive. God used our soldiers to do all of that, and just as He promised, evidence points to the fact that He was there with each one of them while they fought!
So why are these religious leaders teaching their constituency another doctrine – as if to say that the God of 2024 does not sanction war or fighting a bitter enemy who would stop at nothing to destroy the Jewish state and all of her people? How are the mighty men of valor who fought for Israel viewed by these leaders of today – as unrighteous, impure men who are not worthy of being called heroes of the faith, worth emulating?
Today’s rabbinic Judaism is teaching another code of ethics which does not comport with the original Hebrew texts that came down to us through our sages and prophets, inspired by God, Almighty. Now, rules and injunctions are all politically driven, designed to retain the power and financial benefit which they have been able to secure for their followers. But it is not rooted in the written word which relies upon a deep and abiding faith in a God who will come through for His people as He has promised.
Instead, it is more connected to a system which doles out security by way of corrupt dependence upon those who claim they will take care of all of your needs. That is the rot which is rife within today’s ultra-religious, one which has literally replaced a reliance and trust upon our Creator for a faulty and unscrupulous pay off by dishonest and crooked leaders dressed in religious garb.
Nonetheless, it’s good that this is being exposed, because it shines a spotlight on what is inauthentic and ungodly – a wrong application of faith which must be rejected, because it was not what God ever intended. By this standard, the Red Sea would have never been parted, David would have never fought Goliath, the Maccabean Revolt of 170 A.D. would have never taken place nor would we even have a Jewish homeland today.
The Jewish people were never meant to be passive onlookers who wouldn’t participate in their victory. In fact, the triumph of Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel only occurred when he wrestled throughout the night in order to prevail as he did. Had he not been willing to take what was rightly his, by fighting for it, the story would have ended very differently.
The amazing events of the last year have positioned us in a new phase, where some believe we now have a window of opportunity to strike hard at our greatest enemy, Iran in order to deal the final blow to the head of the snake. Metaphorically, this may also be true about setting ourselves on a needed course correction as it relates to the biblical faith from which we have strayed, where we chose to adopt foreign ideas and concepts about how to find favor with God.
The answer is simple – go back to the original script. Stop looking at leaders invested in retaining power and prestige, because, in the end, they are not the good shepherd who is committed to making sure that each person is accountable before God.
They say it’s always darkest before the dawn, and, if that’s true, then Israel’s best days are yet ahead, because her true victory can only come, collectively and individually, when she rejects a bad substitution which has taken us far away from a complete reliance upon our Maker! Anything less will prevent us from living out our true spiritual destiny as God’s Chosen people!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.