America holds Israel hostage

If you thought that the only hostage situation happening is the one in Gaza, think again.
With only two months to go, before a new administration is installed, America’s present ruling powers are taking their last shot at Israel – ratcheting up the intensity on the demands which must be met in order to be allowed to fight one more day.
It’s their final ultimatum, with the intent to hold her hostage, squeezing every last drop of fighting oxygen from the state which, on the one hand, they claim to support and champion, while belying any sincere desire to help us attain victory, per their actions.
How are they doing it? By holding back the weapons of war which will enable us to turn the tide. For starters, only half of a delivery of the 1300 stockpile of 1-ton heavy bombs, previously purchased by Israel, will be shipped, with the other half being delayed, allegedly due to some senior U.S. defense officials who are not fully on Israel’s side and opposed to meeting the full requests of Israel’s military.
In addition, the U.S. has refused to rush attack helicopters despite the urgent need or to provide gunships purchased for U.S. but which were to be, instead, sent to the IDF. Adding insult to injury, 134 bulldozers, needed for operations in Gaza and Lebanon to clear roadside bombs, will likely be delayed for months, despite their already being paid in full.
US delays military shipments to Israel:
— Israel Radar (@IsraelRadar_com) November 10, 2024
1. Delivery of 134 bulldozers needed for operations in Gaza & Lebanon delayed for months even though Israel paid for it, @ynetalerts reports; quiet embargo puts IDF forces in danger, as bulldozers are needed to clear roadside bombs.
In fact, the deadline of November 13th has been given for “Israel to fully implement the U.S. demands,” or a suspension of its military assistance to Israel could potentially come to a halt.
This is the sad legacy being left by the Biden administration, pushed by the State Department to “determine if Israel has met its commitments and whether it has violated U.S. law during the war in Gaza.” Initiated by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a letter was penned, conditioning the transfer of needed weaponry to the compliance of what they determine to be the adequate supply of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Will anyone miss these two inept, egotistical overseers, who have no real understanding of the fight which is being waged to preserve not only the Jewish nation, but all freedom-loving, sane people who value a world free from terror?
Why is it that we, the ones who were the victims of a horrendous massacre, are solely responsible to feed, clothe and house the same people who cheered and celebrated the demise of our slaughtered citizens? If that’s not a metaphor for rubbing salt into a wound, what is? They try to kill us, but we have to see to their every need, because if we don’t, the lawsuits will begin to pile up, accusing us of having committed war crimes and genocide.
That’s how it works. Rather than honestly admitting an anti-Israel bias, which holds us back from being adequately equipped to win an existential war, constant demands are, instead, thrown at our country, all designed to enact delays and make sure that we fight at a tremendous disadvantage.
It’s a clever way of contributing to the enemy without appearing to favor one side. After all, their idea of diplomacy is putting everything on a level playing field, and the best way to even up the sides is to hold back needed weapons, even if they’ve been paid for in full.
It's truly a sad day when the country, which claims to be Israel’s greatest ally and most trusted friend, fails to recognize the crucial importance of winning a war against barbaric terrorists, who would gladly take them on if it wasn’t for their need to first finish us off.
It is the great fortune of the U.S., that Israel stands in place of Western nations who would not be equipped to battle an enemy they are foolishly prepared to aid, by holding back what we need to fight them.
Their decision to withhold these weapons attests to a complete lack of understanding when it comes to the mortal danger these terrorists pose to all of humanity. By placing oppressive burdens on us, at a time when our economy is already ailing, they are sending the message that dire consequences will follow if we do not fully comply with their demands.
Funny that they don’t try to lean on other neighboring Arab countries, who have a greater stake in coming to the aid of their Muslim counterparts. Why do they not seem to care? Even in the face of reports, alleging torture and brutality of Gazans by members of Hamas who have detained some of them they believe to have collaborated with Israel, no outcry is heard.
Why? Because no one really cares what happens to them. Gazans are only valued as the expendable props in this blame game of Israel, all for the purpose of divesting us from our land.
So, we have to ask ourselves - are those running the U.S. State Department part of a class which has cynically used the people of Gaza to be the perennial thorn in the side of Israel, keeping them oppressed and downtrodden for the purpose of eventually disposing of the Jewish nation?
It almost sounds impossible, right? Americans, who run that sector of the government, are supposed to be civilized, sophisticated leaders, capable of identifying terrorism and the pressing need to obliterate it.
But then why is it that so many American students are equally incapable of seeing the danger which is right before their eyes? While some may see it as a blindness that has deceived a segment of Western society to see terrorists as freedom fighters in their battle against oppressors, there might be a more obvious explanation.
Championing the murderers is a less obvious way of coming right out and saying you’re against the Jews, against their homeland and against their right to defend themselves.
As ugly a truth as that is, it’s, nonetheless, one which must be confronted, because anyone who would hold Israel hostage, by denying them the weapons they need to protect themselves and the entire world, is nothing more than a purveyor of evil, even willing to jeopardize their own safety if it means that Israel has a lesser chance of winning the battle.
What they haven’t figured out yet is that, in the end, their side is going to lose whether they help us or not, because no one can hold God’s land hostage!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.